Xcode Window Management on Multiple Monitors Sucks Any Solutions?

1 points by ptliddle 7 hours ago

I know there have been previous threads on macOS sucking for window management especially across multiple monitors, and this isn't to rehash that.

There is one very specific issue that I swear sucks hours of productivity from me every week. I use three monitors and have multiple apps open across all of them, often including multiple browser windows along with other development apps such as IDEs, AI chat, etc.

The biggest issue that drives me crazy is when I have a couple of projects open in Xcode. I usually need to reference code from one project while writing another or run two projects simultaneously (front and backend). If I put an Xcode window on one monitor and bring it to the front, then click on Xcode on another monitor to bring it to the front, the Xcode window on the previous monitor decides to dive to the back behind all my other windows. It then takes me a minute or two to find it again every time I need to reference it. This is really irritating when I'm trying to look at code for, say, an endpoint that I'm talking to from a frontend client, and it suddenly disappears.

Has anyone else experienced this issue and, more importantly, found a fix?